BA (honours) i juss og språk
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
Fulltid, Deltid
05 Sep 2024
Oct 2024
GBP 21 816 *
* kostnad per år på heltid; £3 168 - kostnad per år deltid
Å kombinere juss med fransk, tysk eller spansk er både stimulerende og et smart karrieretrekk. Du deler studiet likt mellom begge fagene. Med denne graden vil du øke din juridiske bevissthet og tilegne deg ferdigheter i juridisk analyse og metoder. Studiet av et moderne språk åpner dører til andre kulturer og samfunn og kan gi en nøkkel til den globale arbeidsplassen. Navnet på graden din vil gjenspeile det valgte språket (f.eks. BA (Honours) Law og tysk).
Hovedtrekk ved kurset
- Gir deg en forståelse av lovens rolle i samfunnet i dag.
- Gir deg juridisk bevissthet og ferdigheter innen juridisk analyse og metoder.
- Utvikler deg til en dyktig bruker av ditt valgte språk, og når nivå C1 i det felles europeiske referanserammeverket for språk.
- Utvikler avansert kunnskap om kulturene som bruker ditt valgte språk, og interkulturell kommunikasjonskompetanse.
Dette er ikke en kvalifiserende jusgrad. Du trenger ytterligere kvalifikasjoner før du kan utdanne deg til advokat eller advokat.
Jusmodulene i denne kvalifikasjonen dekker bare rettssystemet i England og Wales, ikke noen andre deler av Storbritannia.
Vi gjør alle våre kvalifikasjoner så tilgjengelige som mulig og har et omfattende utvalg tjenester for å støtte alle våre studenter. BA (Honours) Law and Languages bruker en rekke studiemateriell og kan ha følgende elementer:
- Studerer en blanding av trykt og elektronisk materiale – nettbaserte læringsressurser kan inkludere nettsteder, lyd-/videomedieklipp og interaktive aktiviteter som nettquizer.
- Arbeide i gruppe med andre studenter.
- Bruke og produsere diagrammer eller skjermbilder.
- Utføre praktisk arbeid.
- Finne eksternt/tredjepartsmateriale på nett.
- Bruker spesialprogramvare.
- Kontinuerlig og avsluttende vurdering i form av essays, kortsvarsspørsmål og i noen tilfeller eksamen.
- Bruk av tilbakemelding: kontinuerlig vurdering innebærer å motta detaljert tilbakemelding på arbeidet ditt fra veilederen din og bruke denne tilbakemeldingen til å forbedre ytelsen din.
- Noen moduler kan kreve at du går på en boligskole.
Knowledge and understanding
Du vil kunne demonstrere din kunnskap og forståelse av:
- The concepts, values, rules and principles of the legal system of England and Wales, and some awareness of the powers exercised by the devolved legislatures in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
- A range of areas of substantive law of England and Wales and their impact on individuals and society.
- The social, political, economic, historical and ethical dimensions of law.
- The impact of technology on law.
- The ability to communicate fluently and appropriately with competent speakers of your chosen language, in a broad variety of oral and written contexts, including academic ones, maintaining a high degree of grammatical accuracy and appropriate style.
- Aspects of the societies of the countries where your chosen language is spoken (including aspects such as literature, cultures, linguistic contexts, politics, geography, and social and economic structures).
- Intercultural communicative competence, including a reasoned awareness and critical understanding of the cultures and societies associated with your chosen language and the ability to describe, analyse and evaluate the similarities and dissimilarities between cultures and societies and your own.
Cognitive skills
Du vil kunne demonstrere din evne til å:
- Ask and answer appropriate questions about law and legal systems, identifying gaps in your knowledge.
- Combine and criticise various sources of legal authority, identify their merits and shortcomings and make a reasoned choice between them.
- Apply legal principles and authority to develop reasoned answers to questions.
- Recognise ambiguity, and deal with uncertainty in law.
- Make use of a wide variety of written, spoken and multimodal texts for different audiences in your chosen modern language, employing appropriate reading and listening strategies.
- Write texts of different types in your chosen language, following appropriate structures and conventions, including academic language, selecting and making critical use of written and spoken sources.
- Make spoken presentations on particular topics, using appropriate styles and techniques, and take part in a wide variety of spoken interactions in your chosen modern language, using appropriate discourse strategies.
- Interpret and critically evaluate evidence in the light of alternative explanations, arguments and theories.
Practical and professional skills
Du vil kunne demonstrere din evne til å:
- Conduct, independent legal research.
- Identify, retrieve and evaluate legal information from a range of electronic or other sources.
- Communicate clear, relevant and accurate legal information in language appropriate to the intended audience.
- Acknowledge the sources of information you have used, in a style appropriate to the task.
- Gather and process information from a variety of paper, audio-visual and electronic sources, in English and your chosen modern language.
Key skills
You will be able to:
- Communicate relevant ideas clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
- Work with a range of textual, numerical and statistical data.
- Reflekter over din læring og utvikling, bruk effektiv tilbakemelding og demonstrer vilje til å erkjenne og rette feil.
- Collaborate effectively with others.
- Demonstrate the ability to independently find, critically evaluate and use a wide range of information, data or tools accurately in complex contexts.
- Recognise and use effective learning strategies.
This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits:
- In Stage 1, you’ll study a 60-credit introductory law module. You’ll choose your language and study two 30-credit language modules.
- Next, in Stage 2, you’ll study two 30-credit law modules and a 60-credit language module in your chosen language.
- Finally, in Stage 3, you’ll study two 30-credit law modules and another 60-credit module in your chosen language.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to French studies (beginners) (L102)
You'll choose one from:
- Criminal law and the courts (W111)
- Civil justice and tort law (W112)
You'll study the following:
- French Studies 1 (intermediate) (L112)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to German studies (beginners) (L103)
You'll choose one from:
- Criminal law and the courts (W111)
- Civil justice and tort law (W112)
You'll study the following:
- German Studies 1 (intermediate) (L113)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to Spanish studies (beginners) (L106)
You'll choose one from:
- Criminal law and the courts (W111)
- Civil justice and tort law (W112)
You'll study the following:
- Spanish Studies 1 (intermediate) (L116)
Stages 2 and 3 (240 credits)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- Public law (W211)
- French Studies 2: language and culture of the French-speaking world (L222)
You'll choose one from:
- Familierett (W230)
- Forretnings- og arbeidsrett (W240)
- Evidence law (W250)
- International, environmental and space law (W260)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
You'll study the following:
- Trusts law (W311)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring legal boundaries (W350)
- European Union law (W330)
- Land law (W312)
- Law, society and culture (W340)
You'll study the following:
- French Studies 3: language and culture of the French-speaking world (L332)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- Public law (W211)
- German studies 2: language and culture of the German-speaking world (L223)
You'll choose one from:
- Familierett (W230)
- Forretnings- og arbeidsrett (W240)
- Evidence law (W250)
- International, environmental and space law (W260)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
You'll study the following:
- Trusts law (W311)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring legal boundaries (W350)
- European Union law (W330)
- Land law (W312)
- Law, society and culture (W340)
You'll study the following:
- German studies 3: language and culture of the German-speaking world (L333)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- Public law (W211)
- Spanish studies 2: language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world (L226)
You'll choose one from:
- Familierett (W230)
- Forretnings- og arbeidsrett (W240)
- Evidence law (W250)
- International, environmental and space law (W260)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
You'll study the following:
- Trusts law (W311)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring legal boundaries (W350)
- European Union law (W330)
- Land law (W312)
- Law, society and culture (W340)
You'll study the following:
- Spanish studies 3: language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world (L336)
Our assessments are all designed to reinforce your learning and help you show your understanding of the topics. The mix of assessment methods will vary between modules.
Computer-Marked Assignments
- Usually, a series of online, multiple-choice questions.
Tutor-Marked Assignments
- You’ll have a number of these throughout each module, each with a submission deadline.
- They can be made up of essays, questions, experiments or something else to test your understanding of what you have learned.
- Your tutor will mark and return them to you with detailed feedback.
End-of-Module Assessments
- The final, marked piece of work on most modules.
- Modules with an end-of-module assessment won’t usually have an exam.
- Some modules end with an exam. You’ll be given time to revise and prepare.
- You’ll be given your exam date at least 5 months in advance.
- Most exams take place remotely, and you will complete them at home or an alternative location.
- If a module requires you to take a face-to-face exam, this will be made clear in the module description, and you will be required to take your exam in person at one of our exam centres.