BA (honours) i filosofi og psykologiske studier
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
Fulltid, Deltid
05 Sep 2024
Oct 2024
GBP 21 816 *
* kostnad per år på heltid; £3 168 - kostnad per år deltid
Filosofi og psykologi søker å svare på dyptgående spørsmål om oss selv og vår plass i det sosiale og fysiske universet. I denne graden vil du undersøke en rekke filosofiske debatter om etikk, rettferdighet, vitenskapelig kunnskap, religion, kunst og selvet. Du vil dekke kjernetilnærmingene innen sosial, kognitiv og utviklingspsykologi, og noen anvendte aspekter av profesjonell praksis. Du vil lære å lese og forstå vitenskapelige og filosofiske tekster; bruke ulike forskningsmetoder; kommunisere tydelig og logisk; og jobbe og tenke selvstendig.
Hovedtrekk ved kurset
- Undersøk dyptgående spørsmål om menneskelig sinn og atferd fra to komplementære perspektiver
- Engasjer deg i aktuell forskning og oppdag hvordan både psykologer og filosofer adresserer presserende problemer i det virkelige liv.
- Lær hvordan du vurderer bevis, konstruerer velinformerte argumenter og presenterer konklusjonene dine på overbevisende måte.
- Utvikle verdifulle overførbare ferdigheter som er høyt verdsatt på arbeidsplassen, inkludert ferdigheter innen kommunikasjon, problemløsning, regneferdighet og selvledelse.
Vi gjør alle våre kvalifikasjoner så tilgjengelige som mulig og har et omfattende utvalg tjenester for å støtte alle våre studenter. BA (Honours) Filosofi og psykologiske studier bruker en rekke studiemateriell og har følgende elementer:
- studere en blanding av trykt og nettbasert materiale – nettbaserte læringsressurser kan inkludere nettsteder, lyd-/videomedieklipp og interaktive aktiviteter som nettquizer
- finne eksternt/tredjepartsmateriale på nett
- jobber i gruppe med andre elever
- arbeider med spesiallesestoff som kunstverk og musikalske manuskripter
- kontinuerlig og avsluttende vurdering i form av essays, kortsvarsspørsmål og i noen tilfeller eksamen
Knowledge and understanding
Upon completion of this degree you will have acquired knowledge and understanding of:
- What it means to approach an issue philosophically, as the phrase is understood in terms of the contemporary Western tradition of philosophy
- Selected classic and contemporary philosophers and, by reading primary source texts, their views on the topics you will study
- How to analyse and construct philosophical arguments
- The key approaches to psychology, and the contribution of different theorists to psychological ideas and thinking
- What constitutes a scientific approach to psychology, and of the differences between common sense and psychological explanations of human behaviour
- A range of research methods in psychology, their appropriate use, and the ethical issues in the design and conduct of psychological enquiry.
Cognitive skills
On completion of this degree, you will be able to:
- Understand and critically evaluate primary and secondary literature (including commentary in recorded audio format)and formulate your views about the problems discussed
- Plan and execute philosophical writing at the appropriate level, including the ability to organise arguments and counter-arguments into a coherent essay
- Define and use key terms and concepts in psychology
- Explore hypotheses and construct arguments, with appropriate use of psychological concepts, theories and evidence
- Understand and evaluate the range of research strategies and methods used by psychologists.
Practical and professional skills
On completion of this degree, you will be able to:
- Understand the structure of complex philosophical problems and some of the strategies that philosophers have used to solve these problems
- Read carefully and critically texts drawn from a variety of historical periods and traditions with a sensitivity to context and, where needed, an understanding of some specialised philosophical terminology
- Design and conduct psychological investigations using a range of methods and types of data analysis and report these in appropriate formats
- Conduct research that complies with established ethical principles and guidelines
- Be ready to view unfamiliar ideas with an open mind and a willingness to change one’s mind when appropriate.
Key skills
On completion of this degree, you will be able to:
- Select and read the material appropriately, identify what is relevant and take notes efficiently and effectively
- Present written material in a coherent, organised form, with arguments and information in a logical sequence and sources referenced appropriately.
Application of number
On completion of this degree, you will be able to:
- Perform basic numerical operations and work with statistical data
- Interpret tables, graphs, diagrams and bar charts
- Present and summarise data in extended reports.
Information technology
On completion of this degree, you will be able to:
- Access, process and prepare information using computers.
Learning how to learn
On completion of this degree, you will be able to:
- Analyse tasks, make plans for tackling them and manage time
- Learn from a variety of different media and different teaching methods
- Learn from feedback and be able to monitor and reflect on your progress.
This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits.
- At Stage 1 you’ll study two compulsory modules that will introduce you to arts and humanities and the study of psychology.
- Next, in Stage 2, you’ll study two further compulsory modules, one in each of philosophy and psychology.
- Finally, in Stage 3, you’ll study one compulsory philosophy module and choose from two psychology options.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following
- Discovering the arts and humanities (A111)
- Encountering psychology in context (D120)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following
- Investigating philosophy (DA223)
- Living psychology: from the every day to the extraordinary (DD210)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
You'll study
- Key questions in philosophy (A333)
You’ll also choose one from
- Advancing social psychology (DD317)
- Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime and therapy (DD310)
Our assessments are all designed to reinforce your learning and help you show your understanding of the topics. The mix of assessment methods will vary between modules.
Computer-Marked Assignments
- Usually, a series of online, multiple-choice questions.
Tutor-Marked Assignments
- You’ll have a number of these throughout each module, each with a submission deadline.
- They can be made up of essays, questions, experiments or something else to test your understanding of what you have learned.
- Your tutor will mark and return them to you with detailed feedback.
End-of-Module Assessments
- The final, marked piece of work on most modules.
- Modules with an end-of-module assessment won’t usually have an exam.
- Some modules end with an exam. You’ll be given time to revise and prepare.
- You’ll be given your exam date at least 5 months in advance.
- Most exams take place remotely, and you will complete them at home or an alternative location.
- If a module requires you to take a face-to-face exam, this will be made clear in the module description, and you will be required to take your exam in person at one of our exam centres.
Program undervisningsavgift
Skills for career development
The disciplines of philosophy and psychology are highly regarded by employers, who prize graduates’ reasoning ability, clear thinking and specialist knowledge – and in particular, the skills vital to effective decision-making including selecting, interpreting, evaluating and presenting data, identifying and using relevant information to construct arguments, appreciating different ways to conceptualise and address a question, seeing different sides in a debate while being able to reason in favour of one, and thinking coherently about both abstract and practical matters.
You’ll also sharpen your writing and IT skills. All these attributes are greatly in demand in the world beyond study, whether you’re already working, volunteering, or changing careers.
Please note that this degree will not make you eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) by the British Psychological Society (BPS).
Career relevance
This degree is relevant to a broad range of careers, including:
- Offentlig forvaltning, lokale myndigheter, embetsverket, sosiale tjenester
- Reklame, journalistikk, publisering, kreative næringer, PR
- Utdanning og helse
- Ledelse og menneskelige ressurser
- Politiet og loven
- Business, banking and retail
- Veldedige organisasjoner, kampanjer og politikkutvikling.
Other careers
Many graduate-level jobs are open to graduates of any discipline, particularly in business, finance, management consultancy and the public sector. Some careers may require further study, training and/or work experience beyond your degree.