Master of Business Administration (MBA) med Agribusiness Management
Online Malta
18 up to 36 Months
Fulltid, Deltid
Frist for å be om søknad
Feb 2025
EUR 21 000
MBA med Agribusiness Management består av tre ulike nivåer. På det første nivået – lansering, vil elevene bli eksponert for de viktigste verktøyene, teoriene, modellene og konseptene om hvordan man administrerer en moderne liten og mellomstor bedrift. Det andre nivået – utdyping dekker aktuelle emner og nye teorier for å forberede elever på fremtidige utfordringer og muligheter. Det tredje nivået – spesialisering lar elever fokusere på Agribusiness Management, inkludert deres endelige masterprosjekt.
Vi introduserer vår Master of Business Administration (MBA) med Agribusiness Management! Dykk inn i et 18-måneders program, med 90 europeiske studiepoeng og en mastergrad nivå 7. Vår innovative nettplattform tilbyr interaktive, personlige læringsopplevelser. Dykk dypt inn i agritech, håndtering av matavfall og vertikalt jordbruk, og mestrer essensielle ferdigheter for det utviklende jordbrukslandskapet. Bli med oss og bli en leder i skjæringspunktet mellom virksomhet og agribusiness management.
Tidligste startdato: Den 1. i hver måned
Søknadsfrist: Månedlig, innen den 20. i måneden
Full Time
Phase 1: Launching
- Month 1: Digital and Sustainable Business Strategies (5 ECTS)
- Month 2: Leadership for a Sustainable World (5 ECTS)
- Month 3: Applied Research Methods and Data Science (5 ECTS)
- Month 4: Digital Marketing (5 ECTS)
- Month 5: Finance for Decision Makers (5 ECTS)
- Month 6: Organisational Psychology and Human Resources Management (5 ECTS)
Phase 2: Deepening
- Month 7: Entrepreneurship and Disruptive Innovation (5 ECTS)
- Month 8: Operations and Business Intelligence (5 ECTS)
- Month 9: Global Network Strategies and Ecosystems (5 ECTS)
- Month 10: Leadership in a Networked World (5 ECTS)
- Month 11: Business Informatics for the Digital Economy (5 ECTS)
- Month 12: Artificial Intelligence for Business (5 ECTS)
Phase 3: Specializing
- Måned 13-14: Agribusiness Management (10 stp)
- Month 15-18: Final Master Project (20 ECTS)
Phase 1: Launching
- Month 1-2: Digital and Sustainable Business Strategies (5 ECTS)
- Month 3-4: Leadership for a Sustainable World (5 ECTS)
- Month 5-6: Applied Research Methods and Data Science (5 ECTS)
- Month 7-8: Digital Marketing (5 ECTS)
- Month 9-10: Finance for Decision Makers (5 ECTS)
- Month 11-12: Organisational Psychology and Human Resources Management (5 ECTS)
Phase 2: Deepening
- Month 13-14: Entrepreneurship and Disruptive Innovation (5 ECTS)
- Month 15-16: Operations and Business Intelligence (5 ECTS)
- Month 17-18: Global Network Strategies and Ecosystems (5 ECTS)
- Month 19-20: Leadership in a Networked World (5 ECTS)
- Month 21-22: Business Informatics for the Digital Economy (5 ECTS)
- Month 23-24: Artificial Intelligence for Business (5 ECTS)
Total ECTS – Deepening Phase
Phase 3: Specializing
- Måned 25-28: Agribusiness Management (10 stp)
- Month 29-36: Final Master Project (20 ECTS)
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Procedures
EIM uses an appropriate mix of teaching and learning methods that allow learners with different learning styles and abilities to successfully complete our degree courses. The didactic approach is based on an Oxbridge-style tutorial teaching and learning approach which is highly fit for interactive and student-centered learning that promotes the active participation of students and a personal learning experience.
The program has a varied range of learning activities embedded within the content for each module. The assessment of the study performance includes a combination of feedforward by lecturers and peers on partial works developed for each tutorial and a final examination. The chosen examination format for each module is aligned with the specific learning outcomes of this module.
The assessments are based on the combined evaluation of partial works delivered for each tutorial and of the final examination. All assessments are corroborated by a second qualified lecturer or coach. To secure the originality of the case study developed, the final assessment includes an oral presentation component where students present their final case study.
Grading Systems
- Distinction (80-100%)
- Merit (65-79%)
- Pass (50-64%)
- Fail (0-49%)